Dr. Aneeshan Sain

  SketchX Lab, University of Surrey, UK.
        DBLP profile    

My research is focused on Deep Learning and its applications in Computer Vision. My specific area of interest is deep learning-based visual understanding of sketches. I recently completed my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Yi-Zhe Song Director, SketchX Lab, CVSSP, University of Surrey; co-supervised by Prof. Tao Xiang. Currently I work as a Research Scientist at Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe (SIEE) Limited, PlayStation, London, UK.  

Top-venue Conference publications (as of July 2024): 22 CVPR, 4 ECCV, 4 ICCV, 1 BMVC (Oral), 1 AAAI (Oral).

Recent Activities

• 2 papers accepted in ECCV 2024.   NEW
• 8 papers accepted in CVPR 2024.  
• Our paper "What Can Human Sketches Do for Object Detection?" has been selected among 12 award candidates, out of 9155 submissions in CVPR 2023!!  
TNNLS, TPAMI, TCSVT, Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Multimedia
  Research Scientist
Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe (SIEE) Limited, PlayStation, London, UK
December 2023 - Present
  Research Scientist
iSIZE Technologies, London, UK
July 2022 - November 2023
Succesfully acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe (SIEE) Limited, PlayStation, London, UK.
  PhD Researcher
SketchX Lab, CVSSP, University of Surrey, UK
Under Prof. Yi-Zhe Song
Oct 2019 - Oct 2023
  Research Intern
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India
Under Prof. Umapada Pal & Dr. Partha Pratim Roy
Feb 2016 - Dec 2017
  Undergraduate Student Researcher
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), India
Under Dr. Partha Pratim Roy
Dec 2015 - Jan 2016
Freeview Sketching: View-Aware Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Yi-Zhe Song.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
Do Generalised Classifiers really work on Human Drawn Sketches?
Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Yi-Zhe Song.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
DemoCaricature: Democratising Caricature Generation with a Rough Sketch
Dar-Yen Chen, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subhadeep Koley, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Great Sketch-Photo Matchmakers
Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
How to Handle Sketch-Abstraction in Sketch-Based Image Retrieval?
Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
It’s All About Your Sketch: Democratising Sketch Control in Diffusion Models
Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Deeptanshu Sekhri, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
You’ll Never Walk Alone: A Sketch and Text Duet for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
SketchINR: A First Look into Sketches as Implicit Neural Representations
Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subhadeep Koley, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Doodle Your 3D: From Abstract Freehand Sketches to Precise 3D Shapes
Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Das, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
A Little Trust Goes a Long Way: What Sketch Explainability Really Means for Downstream Tasks
Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Bi-Directional Ensemble Feature Reconstruction Network for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Classification
Jijie Wu, Dongliang Chang, Aneeshan Sain, Xiaoxu Li, Zhanyu Ma, Jie Cao, Jun Guo, Yi-Zhe Song.
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2024.
Democratising 2D Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval Through Pivoting
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.
CLIP for All Things Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, Fine-Grained or Not
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia , Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
Exploiting Unlabelled Photos for Stronger Fine-Grained SBIR
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subhadeep Koley, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Soumitri Chattopadhyay, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
What Can Human Sketches Do for Object Detection?
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
Picture that Sketch: Photorealistic Image Generation from Abstract Sketches
Subhadeep Koley, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song .
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
SceneTrilogy: On Human Scene-Sketch and its Complementarity with Photo and Text
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Human Drawings
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subhadeep Koley, Amandeep Kumar, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang , Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
FS-COCO: Towards Understanding of Freehand Sketches of Common Objects in Context
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Tao Xiang, Yulia Gryaditskaya, Yi-Zhe Song.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
Adaptive Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Parth Shah, Animesh Gupta, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
Sketch3T: Test-time Training for Zero-Shot SBIR
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Vaishnav Potlapalli, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Partially Does It: Towards Scene-Level FG-SBIR with Partial Input
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Viswanatha Reddy Gajjala, Aneeshan Sain, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Doodle It Yourself: Class Incremental Learning by Drawing a Few Sketches
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Viswanatha Reddy Gajjala, Subhadeep Koley, Rohit Kundu, Aneeshan Sain, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Sketching without Worrying: Noise-Tolerant SBIR
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subhadeep Koley, Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Text is Text, No Matter What: Unifying Text Recognition using Knowledge Distillation
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Yi-Zhe Song.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
Towards the Unseen: Iterative Text Recognition by Distilling from Errors
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Yi-Zhe Song.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for Text Recognition
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Amandeep Kumar, Shuvozit Ghose, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Yi-Zhe Song.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
StyleMeUp: Towards Style-Agnostic Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Yongxin Yang, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
PQA: Perceptual Question Answering
Yonggang Qi, Kai Zhang, Aneeshan Sain, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Yongxin Yang, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Shuvozit Ghose, Amandeep Kumar, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Yi-Zhe Song.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
Cross-Modal Hierarchical Modelling for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Yongxin Yang, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song.
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2020. [Oral]
S3Net:Graph Representational Network For Sketch Recognition
Lan Yang, Aneeshan Sain, Linpeng Li, Yonggang Qi, Honggang Zhang, Yi-Zhe Song.
International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME ), 2020.
Zone-based keyword spotting in Bangla and Devanagari documents
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Partha Pratim Roy, Aneeshan Sain, Umapada Pal.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer US, 2020.
Improving Document Binarization via Adversarial Noise-Texture Augmentation
Ankan Kumar Bhunia, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aneeshan Sain, Partha Pratim Roy.
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE 2019.
Background Subtraction Based on Integration of Alternative Cues in Freely Moving Camera
Chenqiu Zhao, Aneeshan Sain, Ying Qu, Yongxin Ge, Haibo Hu.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), 2019. [I.F. : 3.599]
Indic Handwritten Script Identification using Offline-Online Multimodal Deep Network
Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subham Mukherjee, Aneeshan Sain, Ankan Kumar Bhunia, Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal.
Information Fusion, Elsevier, 2018. [I.F. : 10.716]
Multi-Oriented Text Detection and Verification in Video Frames and Scene Images
Aneeshan Sain, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal.
Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 2018. [I.F. : 3.317]

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